The people I met and learned I like (PC, LB, ABB, JC, RM, CA, EF (my new best friend), JG, KG, EC, EG, CA, JM, EA, GM, KR, PAK, MW, CDW, etc. etc.). The people I really really like that I got to hang with that I had previously met (JS, BW, JD, MB, SF, NB, KR, MH, KH, CT, AT, BP, JT, KK, KM, GCW, JM, AB, SS, LG, DP, PC, LS, CAK, MH, JE, GCW, JAY, CMT, NP, MZ, MY, HBN, etc. etc.). The people that no matter how long I spend with them it would never ever be enough (AC, MS, AL, JP, NEG, JMW, etc. etc.) The bed to myself. Missing nearly every meal. The Pines. The panel discussion. The big crowd it attracted. The people that didn't leave but stayed and nodded their heads just a little while I said something into the microphone. Elevator competition. Song at the restaurant. Conversations with heroes. The bookfair and bookfair table. The selling of more than expected Octopus chapbooks. Buying books from small presses. Chips. Holding my first book and putting my first book in the hands of people I admire. The nice things people said/are saying about it. Reading from that book at the Apache Cafe on Saturday night to a healthy and giving crowd. The nice things people said about my reading. Introducing some of Octopus' finest (JD & LB) to that crowd. The friday night reading at Apache with about 7 poets in a row that just slayed me. MS reading his poems on Friday night, both delighting and hurting (emotionally) the crowd. Writing 5 collaborations on the plane with MS and listening to Envy and Jawbreaker and Jets to Brazil, and Built to Spill and Otis Redding and various Elf Metal jams in his Saturn. Coming back and A.