I'm reading what was caught in yesterday's postal net:

This is the first DQ in existence with my poems in it, which excites me. The Foust and Bradshaw are pretty killer. But I was most interested in Norma Cole's "Why I am Not a Translator" and the interview with Clayton Eshleman and Ethriam Cash Brammer: "Going to the Moon with Some Wonderful Ghosts: Literary Translation and a Poet's Formation." They make a great warm-up for this fall semester's Translation Theory independent study I'm taking with S. Gonna translate some Russian poems
and think twice about it.

Dorothea Lasky's debut book of poems, AWE. Dorothea is pretty new to me. I've read about half of AWE so far. I can safely say this may be the best collection of poems I've read this year. I am very certain it will be in my top 3 when the year ends. These are the poems I'm trying to write right now, pretty much. Dark and perfectly odd. Quirky, but don't you dare laugh at them--you'll be sorry when the next poem comes around.

Wenderoth's fourth. At an early glance, it looks like quite a departure.