A furrow in my brain,
a line etched in my hand:
if habit has its way,
it will confound the two.
Save yourself and flee
the narrowed net.
Cast a new law's circuit
over you and them.
What I've been reading lately and loving: Rainer Maria Rilke's Uncollected, Catherine Wagner's My New Job, Jennifer Moxley's Clampdown, Lewis Warsh's Inseperable, Garrett Kalleberg's Malilenas, John Berryman's Dream Songs, Heather Green's No Omen, Brenda Hillman's Practical Water, Andre Breton's Earthlight, Kristin Naca's Bird Eating Bird, Mark Strand's New Selected, Dorothea Lasky's Awe, CD Wright's Rising, Falling, Hovering, Luciano Erba's The Greener Meadow.