Friday, May 13, 2005

Wednesday, M brought me my belated birthday present--a 1987 Iowa Summer Writing Program t-shirt. I don't have the camera with me today, so I'll have to take the pic later. We also went to Cactus Records and she bought me the new Weezer and the new Ben Folds. I've yet to listen to the Ben Folds, but the Weezer is good. Time will tell how it ranks with the Blue album, and my personal favorite, Pinkerton, but I am already certain it destroys the Green album and Maladroit. And the new Mountain Goats is out--I'll have to get that on my own.

We karaoked last night at the Belgrade Lounge. I rocked Simon and G-funk's Cicilia and then got serious with Neil Young's Old Man. Had one too many PBR's then went to Perkins for pancakes. A and M are going to Jellystone today without me--I gots to work.


Anthony Robinson said...

the new mountain goats is the bomb. seriously great, methinks.

Craig Morgan Teicher said...

That's good to hear about the new weezer. Pinkerton, I agree, is amazing, and the two that follow it are not so amazing. My roommate and I were worried. I went looking for the new mountain goats in two record stores yesterday and there was not a single copy to be found. Saw your poem in the new lit today--nice!

Matthew Henriksen said...

It's the best Mountain Goats album yet. Katy and I just saw them in Brooklyn, an amazing show.

Adam Clay said...

Yeah, I've been listening to it nonstop. Dance Music is great, but if I had feelings, the end of the record would make me cry.