Thursday, April 22, 2010

Atlantic City, New Jersey. 3565 miles.


Nees I don't know why it used to say fhwagads said...

Guess what I thought of a great representative New Jersean for 2010: Our governor, Chris Christie. First of all he's seen something like 100 Bruce concerts and has yet to digest any of the boss's political messages--very Jersey.

Unlike the boss his values are utterly inchoherent and what a great model for Jersey that is. We walk proudly with our hypocrisies. No time to revise ourselves.

Also he is overweight, has no idea how to humanely achieve fiscal balance, and has no tact whatsoever. Pretty Jersey!

Nees I don't know why it used to say fhwagads said...

I made myself wonder about state-by-state obesity rates after that last post and discovered that we're actually slightly below the national average for obesity.

You guys in Oregon are doing pretty good! Your adults are a little heavier but your kids are way healthier than ours. What does it mean?