Sunday, April 25, 2010

I've been again informed of another tattoo born from my poems. This one represents the figure on the cover of Scary, No Scary. This is an image I appropriated from a painting of one of my very favorite living painters, Enrique Martinez Celaya  (I will get a private tour of his studio in Miami while I am down there!). The image has floated from Celaya's imagination and heavily embedded itself into SNS's protagonist/voice and is now henna'd onto an upper arm in Amherst.

Here's the new rule: if you tattoo something of mine on your body and send me the picture, I will post about you on this blog. You and I will have a moment. I will talk about you periodically for the rest of my life, and every time we meet, I will ask to see your tattoo again.

1 comment:

Amish Trivedi said...

Dude- I was at the Action books table just to the right there. How cool.