Sunday, August 03, 2008

My top ten favorite books of poetry, not by what I determine to be important to you, to us all, but by what I believe is most formative for me, and most impressive to me, from what little I have read, at my age now, which is 31 and a half:

1. The Battlefield Where the Moon Says I Love You by Frank Stanford
2. The Tunnel by Russell Edson
3. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
4. Memoir of the Hawk by James Tate
5. Short Talks by Anne Carson
6. The Blue Notebook by Daniil Kharms (trans. Matvei Yankelevich)
7. The Shirt Weapon by Brandon Downing
8. Poems 4 by Alan Dugan
9. The Most of It by Mary Ruefle
10. As in Every Deafness by Graham Foust

1 comment:

Amish Trivedi said...

Are you heading to Fayetteville for Stanford Fest?