Saturday, April 16, 2005

M and J are here. Last night we celebrated J and I's birthdays by baking and eating a white rainbow chip cake. Today we hike, go to a real live pow wow, eat sushi, drink wine, then play Trivial Pursuit 90's edition.

Also: I got accepted into Cutbank. Brandon Shimoda promises me it's a newer hipper Cutbank.


Anonymous said...

Zach, (its Brandon),

This year's CutBank will definitely be "newer," and certainly "hipper," if only because you are a featured poet within. We also picked up a poem from Adam Clay, which has me doubly excited. An issue featuring both Schomburg and Clay - not even counting the parade of fantastic writers that are also included - is guaranteed to be "hipper" than whatever preceded it. I can say that with certainty, though I'm not exactly sure what "hipper" means, though I do know that "Hopper" refers to Dennis, the photographer/actor/artist that directed the classic film "Out of the Blue" starring Linda Manz and Hopper himself.

All of this to say, I'm excited and honored to have you in this upcoming CutBank. I think you'll dig the company you're in.

Zachary Schomburg said...


Thanks for the props. You're easily hipper than most everyone I know. I must say "most" but can't really think of anyone in particular at this moment hipper. Well, there are two, maybe, that I can think of right now, but they are kind of jerks.

Anyway, will the coverart also be hipper? If you have Clay and I, you're going to need some hip-ass cover art to support it.

The Pines said...

Zach (its Brandon, again),

The cover art is going to be a wraparound painting from Eben Goff, an artist currently based in Butte - a friend of my friend James (they attended the Vermont Studio Center together a few years ago.) Being based in Butte, the painting is mine-related, and absolutely beautiful - towards the degradation, and so forth. It should definitely be "hipper" than other possible choices like, for example, a photograph of a horse with its neck broken. No, actually, that might be "hipper," or at least more disturbing, which is always "hipper," you know? A horse with its neck broken and a maggot in its dead ball...