Friday, December 02, 2005

Holiday Wish List


1. OBERIU: An Anthology of Russian Absurdism by Eugene Ostashevsky*
2. Ryan Murphy’s Down with the Ship from Seismicity Editions*
3. Can You Relax in My House by Michael Earl Craig
4. Richard Siken's Crush
5. Tony Tost's World Jelly**
6. Charles Simic's Aunt Lettuce and/or My Noiseless Entourage
7. Subscription to Ugly Duckling Presse
8. Stanley Kubrick boxset including in Dr. Strangelove, but not Full Metal Jacket.***
9. A Tuxedo t-shirt****
10. Gift $ for an Octopus print project
11. An ipod, of some variety, maybe.
12. A night-time mouthguard
13. A carton or two of candy cigarettes

*these are not available yet. I might be jumping the gun. Preorder?
**I'll be buying this regardless, so.
***not including Full Metal Jacket because it is the only thing of Kubrick's I already own. And all this talk about Peter Sellers has got me salivating.
****this is a hold-over from last year. I will not give up.
Note: Look for addendums to this list in the coming weeks.


Anonymous said...

Hey Zach.

I've got one of those mouth-guards.
No need to waste a Christmas present on one, we can share mine!

Oh, and we didn't go to KC.
I woke up and went outside to find a flat tire on our car. That tells me that it's not a good day to drive 200 miles. (Sorry Jake!)

kate said...

here is a link you can post for the candy cigarettes. I bought a case of them last year.

CLAY BANES said...

Dear Zach,

Thanks for reminding me again this morning of OBERIU. Eugene Ostashevsky read here in Berkeley last spring, and it was a delayed wait for ITERATURE, full of longing. OBERIU at that time was scheduled for this November, but in October they cruelly postponed it to May 06. I want an iPod. Dentists find teeth-grinding very serious, but not health insurers don't. Michael Earl Craig's book I found absolutely wonderful; I thought it was just me. Moe's Books in Berkeley has had a used copy for $5 for months and months. UC Berkeley's website has a Realplayer streaming video of Ostashevsky's reading. It's in the archive of their Lunch Poems series. Realplayer hates me and won't play more than a minute without conking out. Realplayer hates a lot of people. Good luck.

A friendlier link to OBERIU.


TT said...


Email me your address so I can mail you a copy of WJ.

gina said...

The tux shirt seems easy enought o find:

The Pines said...


what's your lincoln mailing address? coincidentally, i'll be reading with michael earl craig at a bowling alley bar here in missoula this sunday. its league night!
