Monday, March 06, 2006

Just now back from Coloradio with the in-laws. Our little vacation went swimmingly--some quality quality time spent on the slopes and drinking alcoholic beverages illegally in the hot tub. My own highlights: the ribs at Bubba's douse in kicking mule sauce which burned a tasty and fiery hole in the back of my throat, board games, Hamlet's bookstore, the view behind my pita at Vail's mid-mountain eatery, not biffing it. Here are some pics:

Z and M. Z is downs with the Browns. M hogs the remote.

Z and A. Z is skiing for Canada.

M had a little accident the second day. She put her ski pole through her bottom lip while trying to hot dog it. I wasn't sure what to do for her, so I snapped a picture. She's alright.

Downtown Hair is alright with me. Downtown Fort Morgan Colorado.

Downtown Breckenridge. Looks like C told a joke. P thought it was outrageous. A thought it was just ok.

A. Just before she sprinted down the Rattler.

Now I'm quickly on to the next trip: Austin. Tomorrow I'll give a pre-cap before me-plane jets off.

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