Saturday, February 04, 2006

This from Carnegie Mellon: "The Man Suit was in our final seven. I regret to inform you that we will be unable to publish your collection this year. Your manuscript is a publishable one. Only a lack of funds and adequate staffing prevented us from publishing it."

Ouch. Ouch. This is starting to get ridonkulous (sigh).


Adam Clay said...


Closer, closer. Soon.

CELEBRATE regardless.

Charles said...

That's awesome, though! Way to go. It is only a matter of time (which sucks) and congratulations nevertheless.

Denny Schmickle said...

Sometimes... I wear a suit just because.

Anthony Robinson said...

Y'know, Zach--

There are plenty of (good) poets out there who would be grateful to have your success.

Your book will get published eventually, I have no doubt about that.

But I do have a question--why is it so important? It seems like every time I visit your blog you're lamenting about another contest you didn't win. I know--everyone who submits does this from time to time, but it seems like a main theme of "The Lovely Arc."

Anyway--this is not meant to be antagonistic, but Man! you've got it pretty good--a lot better than a lot of us.


Zachary Schomburg said...


I do understand that the arc has become a tad poetry contest lamentation centered--and I do worry about that some--but I am trying to create a blog that is a reflection of myself (though more po-centered--more like half poetry half non-poetry). Barely missing poetry contests is where I am at right now. And I am upset with it. To not talk about that would be equally blog-sinful. I'm keeping it real. I can't concern myself with the other poets that would love to be super close, that's not what the arc's about. Admittedly, I'm too obsessed with my manuscrip's publication (and I too know it will soon come) but I don't feel as if I can completely commit to the next one until this one has a bow on it. That skewed logic is a fault of mine, but that's me: what the arc's all about.

Ok. Now I am going to go post about going to the planetarium.

kate said...

zach = keeping real.
keep it up.